How to Deposit Cash in SBI Account?

Deposit Cash in SBI Account: We all open bank account but why do we do so? To keep the money we earn. There are many reasons why we like to keep our money in the bank account. One of the biggest reason is if we keep or deposit cash in a bank account it is safe. The security to the money is much higher in a bank account when compared to keeping it home.

Security to the money is not the only thing we get when we deposit cash in the bank account. We get interested from the bank for the money we deposit in our bank account. And one more amazing thing is we can carry our cash in the form of a card.

Thinking how?

I am talking about the ATM card or debit card we get from the bank. With the help of ATM Card, we can carry our money with us without having the fear of losing it. And if we need it then we can easily withdraw it by using the ATM Machine.

In this article of mine, I will tell you the procedure to deposit cash in SBI Account. The process is very simple but you can’t do it from your home or online using internet banking. You have to visit your home branch where you have opened your State Bank of India Bank account.

How to Deposit Cash in SBI Account?

Deposit Cash in SBI Account

So now let us get started with this article and check out how you can deposit cash in SBI Account. But before we proceed to the further part I would like to make one thing clear.

And that is you can deposit cash in SBI Account from any branch of the State Bank of India. But you need to have your bank account number with you.

  1. Visit any of the branches of SBI, but I recommend you to visit your home branch.
  2. Ask for a deposit form. (Pay in slip)
  3. Tick the type of bank account. (SB, CA, RD, CC, TL)
  4. You have to fill in account holder’s name, account number, date, cash in numerical, cash in words.
  5. After that fill in your mobile number, PAN card number.
  6. And make your signature on the deposit slip wherever required.
  7. Take your cash and go to the cash counter and deposit cash in SBI account.

This is how you can deposit cash in SBI account. I hope you are clear with all the information mentioned in this article.

You can also deposit cash in SBI ATM Machine you can read it by following this link.

But if you have any kind of doubts about the procedure to deposit cash in SBI account then leave your comment below.

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