What is Decision Making?

Decision making is an important function of management and in the field of management, many circumstances arise in which the employees have to take many decisions.

If you are looking for study material related to decision making including the features and the definition. Then you will find them all in this article.

What is Decision Making?

What is Decision Making?

Decision making in simple words can be deciding what to do and what not to do. In the field of management, the decision making can be explained in a different way.

A decision can be a direction to something to do or not to do something. Effective decision making is required for the smooth functioning of the management.

The success of any organization depends upon the quality of the decision taken by the top level management and other important employees.

Definition of Decision Making

Many experts have defined decision making in their own words and I have collected some of the popular definitions of it which you can find below.

Decision-making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternatives. “-—George R.Terry

A decision can be defined as a course of action consciously chosen from available alternatives for the purpose of desired result —J.L. Massie

A decision is an act of choice, wherein an executive forms a conclusion about what must be done in a given situation. A decision represents a course of behavior chosen from a number of possible alternatives. -—D.E. Mc. Farland

So these are the definitions now let us check out the features or characteristics of decision making.

Characteristics or Features of Decision Making

So far we have discussed the meaning and the definition now the characteristics or features are mentioned below.

  • Decision making is Selection Process
  • Decision making is evaluation of alternatives
  • Decision making involves detailed discussion
  • A decision can be positive or negative
  • Decision making requires the application of intellectual ability.

Decision Making is Selection Process

The first feature of decision making it is a selection process in which we need to select the way in which the work should be performed. And hence it is a selection process, you can read the complete decision making process here.

Decision Making is Evaluation of Alternatives

There are many possible ways in which a task can be performed. Those ways are nothing but the alternative course of actions and decision making is a process in which all these are evaluated.

But why do we need to evaluate these?

That is because we have to select the best alternative course of action and that is the decision which we are going to take.

Decision Making involves detailed discussion

Before deciding on anything the person who is taking the decision has to discuss it with his team members in detailed.

That is because the decision which is taken by a group of people is always better. So the manager of the department has to discuss it with his employees in detail.

A Decision Can be Positive or Negative

After selection of the best alternative course of action and detailed discussion when the decision is taken by the manager.

The decision can result in a positive way as well as negative way. That can take the organization to new heights or take it down.

Decision Making Requires the Application of intellectual ability

The person who is taking the decision has to apply his or her intellectual ability to take the decision. Hence it requires the application of the intellectual ability.

There are 10 types of decision making which are taken in every business organization. You can read about all 10 of them by following this link.


So this was all about the decision making, its features, and definitions. I hope you are clear with all the information that is mentioned in this guide. If you have any kind of doubts then you can comment down below.